Craniofacial syndromes are the result of the skull bones of a baby’s head not fusing together at the right time, or in the right way. This is dangerous, as the brain can become damaged if the skull does not allow the baby’s head to expand at the proper rate.This condition is known as craniosynostosis or craniostenosis. These conditions are usually not associated with developmental problems, but some may be inherited and associated with other developmental problems. Early diagnosis and surgical correction is at utmost importance for these patients, and our center has history of performing more then 15 craniofacial surgeries per year with the help of super-skilled surgeons and staff.
Binder's Syndrome

Binder's Syndrome

Romberg Syndrome

1st Arch Syndrome

Holonprosencephaly Syndrome

Pfeiffer Syndrome

Pierre Robin Syndrome

Treacher Collin's Syndrome

Treacher Collin's Syndrome